博客來精選推薦How to Cook a Moose- A Culinary Memoir
How to Cook a Moose- A Culinary Memoir
How to Cook a Moose- A Culinary Memoir 評價
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How to Cook a Moose- A Culinary Memoir
Inspired by her new home in New England and the slow food movement re-energizing sustainable farming, Kate Christensen picks up where she left off in her last memoir, Blue Plate Special. In an ode to How to Cook a Wolf, M.F.K. Fisher’s classic culinary guide about surviving poverty and war with grace, Christensen creates a tempting, modern stew that will delight readers as only she can, using the magic ingredients of true love, personal appetite, humor, history, and original recipes. Christensen also examines the dilemma of food scarcity in a time of possible climate collapse, turning to her own backyard for long-term solutions. Taking tips from the lives and landscapes of the farmers, fishermen, hunters, and families who live in this grueling northern climate and still produce abundant, healthful food, she retraces the histories of staple ingredients native to the region and explores what it’s like to live, love, and cook on the edge.
- 作者: Christensen, Kate
- 原文出版社:Islandport Pr Inc
- 出版日期:2016/09/13
- 語言:英文
How to Cook a Moose- A Culinary Memoir